Sensor Measuring GAP of APH System GJCT-15E Output Signal 4-20mA

Multi Sarana Industrindo menjual berbagai macam kebutuhan industri, seperti : metal conductivity tester, oil flow meter/oil control valve, paper thickness gauge, pressure gauge, alat ukur minyak, alat ukur makanan, alat ukur kimia, alat ukur metalurgi, alat ukur tenaga listrik, radiation detector, detektor radiasi, dosimeter alarm radiasi pribadi, alat detektor radiasi nuklir

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The difficulty lies in the fact that the deformed rotor of preheater is moving, and the temperature in the air preheater is close to 400°C at the same time, there are a lot of coal ash and corrosive gas in the air preheater. It is very difficult to detect the displacement of moving objects in such a bad environment.

This product can work in this environment:

  1. measure range: 0-10mm
  2. resolution: ≥20.1mm
  3. frequency response: ≥250Hz
  4. temperature resistance for sensor: ≥420°C
  5. output signal can be
  6. chosen from: 0-10mA or 4-20mA


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