Tilting-type Melting Furnace (JLZ-45/70/90/110/160KW )

Main parts of the melting furnace system
1.  M.F Induction Heating Power.
2.  Tilting type Melting Furnace.

Characteristics of M.F Melting Furnace

  • Better Heating penetration and even temperature inside the melting metal.
  • M.F field force can stir the melting pool to achieve better melting quality.
  • Melting the Maximum quantity by the recommend machine according to above table the melting time is 50-60 minutes, the first melting when the furnace is cold ,and it will take about 20-30minutes for the later melting when the furnace is already hot.
  • Suitable for melting of steel, iron, cooper, bronze, gold, silver and aluminum, stannum, maqnesium, stainless steel.


Atech Pemanas Hemat  listrik untuk  proses Aplikasi Thermoforming, Hot forging, Heat Penetrasion formasi, Hot Rolling, Brazing, Powder Coating, Aneling proses, Quenching proses, proses Peleburan Emas, Peleburan Tembaga Hemat Listrik , Peleburan Kuningan Hemat Listrik, Peleburan Baja, Peleburan Stainlesteel, Proses Bending, Pemanasan Baut, Pemanasan Bearing, Pemanasan Gear, Barrel mesin Blowing, Barrel Mesin Pelet, Barrel Extruder, Injection Molding Machine, HOt Oil Heater, Heater Hemat Listrik, Peleburan  Baja Hemat Listrik, Heater Mesin Plastik Hemat Listrik, Penghematan Energy Listrik, Penghematan Biaya Produksi Pabrik Plastik.

Capasitas Induksi Heater/ Pemanas Hemat Listrik / Heater Hemat Listik.

2,5Kw 1phase 220V      20kw 3phase 380V

5kw 3 phase 380V         30Kw 3phase 380

10kw 3phase 380V         50kw 3phase 380V

15kw 3phase 380V         100kw 3phase 380V

Peleburan Besi, Baja,Tembaga,Alumunium,Emas,Kuningan akan menjadi lebih hemat dan cepat menghemat biaya produksi.